Friday, August 28, 2009
Final days at the MTC
Oquirrh Mountain Temple
On Sunday we were able to go to the one of the broadcasted sessions of the dedication for the Oquirrh Mt Temple in west Salt Lake Valley. We had gone to the open hosue when we were here in July - so it was special to go to the dedication. It is a beautiful temple set up on a hill not far off the highway. From this temple you can see the Jordon River Temple and the Draper Temple. You can see downtown Salt Lake but the temple there is blocked by the highrise buildings.
Pres. Monson presided at the session and Pres. Eyring read the dedicatory prayer. We attend with Alan's sister, Barbara Jean, her husband Jerry and their daughter, Charleen and her family. Charleen lives in that temple district. Her three kids also attended and did a great job sitting so long in the session. It was a great session!!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
BUGS! (and language)
We had an 8-hour class yesterday on parasites and bugs. Can I just say that if most parents had taken this class there would be no missionaries out in the field! But as we learned about all these gross things - we also learned out to prevent problems and treat them when we do encounter them. This was not my favorite class! Alan's seen it all before but I hadn't.
On a lighter note - our language classes are going well. We have our last two sessions on Friday and then we're on our own in the field. Tagalog is a very interesting language. I told the tutor that Yoda (of Star Wars fame) must have written it because the sentence structure is about the same - Store go I to, Sad today I am. And verbs are conjugated at the beginning, in the middle or at the end (or any combination of these) of the root. There are Spanish words pronounced the same but not spelled the same - school: in spanish esquela (I think that's right), tagalog eskewla. I can read it pretty well because the basic vowel and consonant sounds are like spanish but the accent is always on the second to the last syllable and there are words with 10-15 syllables. It's a challenge!!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Beautiful MTC
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Here we are at the MTC!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Kat and Bar
I realized I didn't post the pictures I wanted from Katalina's and Barrett's visit in July (so here they are). It was fun to have them here. Barrett insisted we go back to the Unser Racing Museum -we went there last year but this time HE was our tour guide. Then Alan, Barret and I rode the train to Santa Fe to go to the NM History Museum. We had a great day !!