Wednesday, August 26, 2009

BUGS! (and language)

OK - Now I'm getting alittle worried...

We had an 8-hour class yesterday on parasites and bugs. Can I just say that if most parents had taken this class there would be no missionaries out in the field! But as we learned about all these gross things - we also learned out to prevent problems and treat them when we do encounter them. This was not my favorite class! Alan's seen it all before but I hadn't.

On a lighter note - our language classes are going well. We have our last two sessions on Friday and then we're on our own in the field. Tagalog is a very interesting language. I told the tutor that Yoda (of Star Wars fame) must have written it because the sentence structure is about the same - Store go I to, Sad today I am. And verbs are conjugated at the beginning, in the middle or at the end (or any combination of these) of the root. There are Spanish words pronounced the same but not spelled the same - school: in spanish esquela (I think that's right), tagalog eskewla. I can read it pretty well because the basic vowel and consonant sounds are like spanish but the accent is always on the second to the last syllable and there are words with 10-15 syllables. It's a challenge!!


kristib said...

I heard a friend speaking croatian and thought it sounded like Jabba the Hutt. Apparently the characters in that series are more connected to our world than we thought!

Nene said...

When my brother went to Mexico on his mission he got a tapeworm. He was so skinny when he came back he looked like a skeleton with skin stretched on it. I'll save you the gory details of how he got rid of it. I'm sure you already know that everything came out okay in the end. :0)

Unknown said...

Fortunately the Church now has protocal in place to help - since they started the precautions and prevention there are fewer problems and missionaries are coming home healthier. (But it's still scary...)