Thursday, November 26, 2009

MRC "Pox Batch"

For the last 21 days we have had 10 missionaries with us at the MRC on "chicken pox watch". This elder was the original "culprit" who caught the chicken pox from his cousins and brought it to the MTC. He broke out right before the group was to leave for their mission areas. We did blood tests for antibodies and 8 elders, 1 sister and 1 teacher/translator had none - so they got a 21 day (all expenses paid) visit to the MRC. We had two more cases - one mild and one severe.
(Above - arriving at the MRC)

Here is the whole chicken pox gang and two more. The elder with white head dressing has a growth removed and the sister in white shirt had gall bladder surgery - so our group was 12 the first week.
Playing basketball at the Area Office - we went in the late afternoons so they weren't in contact with anyone.

An outing to the World War II American Cemetery in Pasig City (Metro Manila)

Quezon City Park - I taught them American Football (with adapted "Calvin rules")

Time for study - we had study time in the morning, classes in the afternoon and activities in the evening. One of those on "watch" was the Vietnamese translator/teacher, so he set up a great schedule. Of the group - we had 2 Vietnamese and 8 Filipinos.

A Chocolate night and helping in the kitchen. Everyone was assigned a city - Palmyra, Zarahemla and Bountiful - and helped in the kitchen and with cleaning.

Learning to eat burritos for the first time!!

Our last outing was to Fort Santiago - Intramuros - the old Spanish city.

Sleeping on the way home from Fort Santiago

Our Christmas party - Family Home Evening.

At the temple when everyone was off "watch"
Saying goodbye and leaving for the mission field!


Nene said...

Glad everyone is doing better. Are you going to miss not having that crowd around or are you breathing a sigh of relief? :0)

The Grandkids said...

We will miss them but we won't be empty for long...

Keira said...

It's so pretty there! I'm glad you guys are doing OK! Love ya!


What great pictures! The last one made me choke up a little. You guys look great and happy to be there. I bet they just love having you there!