Sunday, July 19, 2009

More mission assignments

We are getting more information as time goes on. I received a packet and letter from the General Music Committee asking me to find places in our mission area where I can teach conducting and keyboard. They sent me the conducting and keyboard course material to take with me. They also said there is a grant program to get keyboards for students. It will be great to be able to teach music while we are in the Philippines.

We also found out that we will receive some special medical training at church headquarters so our departure date to the Philippines has been pushed back about 5 days. We still go to Provo on Aug 17th but won't leave from there until the end of Aug.

We hadn't heard from our Mission Pres. yet so I was getting a little worried. I found an email address for the Pres.'s wife on the mission alumni page and have been communicating with her. She said they hadn't gotten our names from Salt Lake yet. Our information may have gone to the MTC Pres. At least now we have a contact so we can ask our questions...


Nene said...

It's getting exciting!

The Grandkids said...

Less than a month now... still have alot to do. Will I get to see you before we leave on Aug 17th?